Sunday, July 8, 2007

Sunday again?!

Its Sunday again, when I am out on Saturday. Oh wth, why its Sunday so fast. I slept at 6.30am this morning. Lol. Yes I am mad :P

Great new for me, I am finally getting the pay in maximum 2weeks time! PSP is on its way! I gona take lots of picture of this baby precious, carry it in my arms hehe :X Don't know should get white ,silver,blue or champagne gold for the sake of uniqueness , but seriously it look quite gay :P

I feeling kinda chirpy for some reasons lol. Finally i got a sms when i did not sms panda, which i didn't do it on purpose. For that, it just brought a smile to me :) I am drinking nescafe now hehe, finally can taste something calls coffee lol.

Panda is online talking to me lol, better than im waiting sms from her :X This special panda got a very weird symptom. She got POSMS. lol, that makes her stands out from most people already :X hehex, lucky this blog will not be visited during my stay in mainland Singapore. If not i sure tio wack. Muhaha.

As usual, its 3hours+ away from my book in timing. Later gona bathe and get ready and go my ah ma house and eat dinner~ Hope she cooks something tasty!! hehe, before that going to shop my truck load of tibits muhahhahha!!

Anyway panda don't moody ok, remember im always here to listen to you. I have a good ear :)
Miss ya~


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