Sunday, July 1, 2007

Its time for BOOK IN~!

Over the past 2 days, been talking to people. People who already went in, people who almost stepping in and those who will never go in. I think i am much better off than some of them who went in already, less restriction and rules to follow :)

Saying that i do not miss home, thats a lie :P i do miss my family and my bed :( but nonetheless i am looking forward to each day in camp to become stronger!! ROAR!! sad to say, i do have Monday bluessss :( can feel the blues is creeping up already, shucks. Hope the mp3 i bringing in will at least ease the uneasiness inside me.

Going to have my dinner soon, hehe fast food for the last meal before i go in again but this time is eating with my family and not friends. I am leaving my house like in 1.5hours time. Time passes super fast, even faster than in camp when u are training and stuff. I hope the next time i open my eyes its Book Out day again!! :P

I seriously don't know what else to update le la, lol trying to squeeze things out to write but going in army makes my IQ go beyond negative. All i can think of is emo emo thingys lol.

I gonna start missing u from zero again..


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