Sunday, July 22, 2007

Colorful Saturday Night..

lols. Lots of random event happens tonight. What to do, i cant book out next weekend. I just grab everything within sight.

Lets see..

Went dinner at Long John Silver with Pig King Ron, Pig Demon Seb and Pig Spirit Occ. It was a light dinner for me hehe. I didn't know what to do after which so i decided to just eat tiny bit to fill my stomach. They wanted to watched Harry Porter, I didn't had the mood to watch furthermore i had so much plans behind after dinner. Pig Demon Seb had grown up already!! never seen him for like 5weeks only, he know how to 'xian' girls already!! omg omg omg lol, when i heard that he's going out with a girl, ALONE, I was shocked!! Followed by go all the way to Causeway Point just to watch the show with her!! Uber shocked!! *mouth/jaw dropped* lol, i may sound very bad but he's such a mama's boy la!! i never seen or heard about him coming back home after 10pm or maybe 11pm? He just got home like at 1am? LOL, SEB im so proud of u!!

hehex, anyway after wasting my time in the arcade with the other rest, my panda suddenly sms me. Something about the sms that i feel, something is not in place :( asked her trillion times and she refused to tell me. I even offered to bring Famous Amos cookie chief to over her house but she still didn't wanna see me. So i decided to walk to her house and call her :X hehe after much persuading, she finally came out to took a little walk nearby. After 30mins walk at the nearby pasa malam, i sent her back home again. lol :X sorry babe hehe but im glad to see u tonight.

After sending my precious panda back home, i called Mr handsome Sir * someone actually call her bf sir, u know who u are ar :X * arranged a time slot with his PA to have supper at Bedok blk 85 :) This supper don't come easy also. Always is i put aeroplane, feel so bad :P *Sorry to u 2* We ordered a super large servings of food. Mrs pretty Sir really can eat man, she ate the spicy large stingray, 15 sticks of chicken satays, spicy sotongs, 8 tang yuan and the German sausages and YA almost forget 3 full chicken wings!! lol, actually we 3 shared everything la :P After eating and eating, they 2 decided to send this large light post home!! We walked home and talk so much about jokers in NS lol. Some of them were really freaking funny. hehe.

After so much of Saturday, im back here blogging and sms-ing my piggy hehex. She's quite kpo actually, and some sort of good actress :P can hide for so long then tell mi. Just now ask don't wanna tell mi, if not i will throw in more goodies :P hehex. Anyway im really sorry that i wasted ur Saturday ok.. Didn't meant to do so.. Just surprised that u actually did reserved a weekend for me. Maybe i just undervalued myself sometimes... Hmm if u did visit here before u go out, let mi know again if u want me to send u back home ok.. :) smileee pretty~


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