Sunday, July 22, 2007

Morning Light..

Slept at 3am, Woke up at 8am
Total time slept : 5hours

My weekend is too short to be spent sleeping lol. That's why from 1st day of enlistment i haven been resting well. Woke up early, washed up and joined my parents for breakfast. They fed me as long army has no food! Lol, ate WanTon Mee, ate Kosong Prata and Egg Prata, with a nice warm cup of Teh. Nice breakfast eh :P Was playing my PSP on the way, finally got to touch and talk to my baby lol. It totally rocks to own a PSP lol.

Reached home at around 11am, managed to fill in my PSP to the max. Im so prepared to go into confinement already! I got 8hrs + 8hrs + 6hrs of battery. muhaha!! But its never enough de la :( I put in movies lots of songs and games!!

After fixing up my PSP, the piggy came online! lol surprisingly she woke up earlier than I expected her to wake up, she's having pizza today la. Every week i sure post SOME random fact about her so here's today one :P She spends averagely $200 on food every week!! Just food only :P lol and she got a very huge ambition but its a secret :X lalalalala

Hmm seen the picture below? lol, go figure out what are those, at least this cute panda knows whats the picture is about. It's more than enough already lol

I wanna go sleep le.. ZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZzzzzz


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