Sunday, August 5, 2007

Just like good old days~

Good morning everyone! :) what a nice Sunday morning, light breeze with warm sunlight.

First of all, i would like to wish my Xiao Xia Mei, a very Happy 19th Birthday! May all your wishes all come true, hope that you can find someone who loves u soon :) Like i said, next week I will have a long weekend. So next week find Xia Ah Bu then we go have a nice dinner ok? MY TREAT (: (: (:

Back to what I gona blog.

Hee, this morning I felt like a small boy. My dad brought me out to the Mac nearby to eat breakfast! Like the same old days, at least 10 years ago, i used to have Mac breakfast every weekend with my parents! :) To fit the mood, i ordered the good old Hotcakes :P hehe, and my dad as usual eat his Big Breakfast. What's different now is that we drink the tasteless black coffee now :P I didn't want to order Ice Milo caused Im coughing. See Im such a good boy :X

Packed my bag already, today booking timing really sucked. 1830 I have to be at Pasir Ris Bus Interchange already. SADDED... BUT never mind, caused Im meeting Piggy Shyuan soon like in 1hour time, 1100 lol. Taking a walk at Vivo, which i wanted to take a walk yesterday but both of us slacking and sleeping the whole afternoon. By chance, she wanted to walk Vivo yesterday too but her friend was too busy to entertain her. So we decided to walk Vivo today! Its a walk seriously. I just wanna take a look at my new found love which i might just eventually get it later on :X lol. Red or Black.. hmm i wonder.. see what Panda might say :P

Anyway for u people to know, theres someone in the SAF HQ or in short, in the entire army. Theres this someone who is in charge to sit infront of the computer 24 / 7 just to read and search blog. Lol, how i wish i can have that job too!

!!!* Saluting to that whoever reading everyone's blog*!!!

Zooooooom off to get ready already!!


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