Sunday, August 12, 2007

er.. I am.. ?

My dear blog,

I don't know what to say to you..

I added a new tag board on you for some purposes..

Hmm.. I am just tired lol, I did not sleep on Wednesday and Thursday night..

I played basketball this morning at Seng Kang at 9am after eating breakfast with my dad..

I am less than 2 hours away from booking in..

I miss everything and anything and anyone outside camp..

I am so glad that u are here to entertain or rather chat with me even though we are so randomly chatting lol..

I hope this time..
Life lesson learnt will gona be the last few already..
It didnt literally cost me something but it sure inflicted some damage to my heart..

I am more clear headed now, all thanks to your care..

Thank you..

-emo.. again-

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