Sunday, August 12, 2007

er.. I am.. ?

My dear blog,

I don't know what to say to you..

I added a new tag board on you for some purposes..

Hmm.. I am just tired lol, I did not sleep on Wednesday and Thursday night..

I played basketball this morning at Seng Kang at 9am after eating breakfast with my dad..

I am less than 2 hours away from booking in..

I miss everything and anything and anyone outside camp..

I am so glad that u are here to entertain or rather chat with me even though we are so randomly chatting lol..

I hope this time..
Life lesson learnt will gona be the last few already..
It didnt literally cost me something but it sure inflicted some damage to my heart..

I am more clear headed now, all thanks to your care..

Thank you..

-emo.. again-







Thursday, August 9, 2007

A very naughty boy

Lets see..

I've been awake for like about 0530am on 080807 till 1200 on 090807..

I still wide awake, but if I were to lie on the bed, I will sleep like a pig..

Then again..

I will be going out this late afternoon, maybe hanging out tonight again..

Lol, I can see myself reducing to skeleton already..

I need someone to care for and to care about me..

Lets seek that someone in my dreams soon..

And I have not filled my 2nd wife with songs yet..

She's just lovely..

Oh ya, been 2months, i improved my 2.4km running timings constantly..

And I think im kinda lazy already, so glad that its still improving..

From the very first time, 16mins for the stupid unfair nafa 2.4km run on TP grounds..

Till the recent IPPT in BMT, 11.40mins and below, a silver timing now :)

Last and not least, I wish i own 48hours now..

Its simply not enough at all.. I wish to sleep more~

Im so dead...


Sunday, August 5, 2007


OOpS lol, i got my 2nd wife already :P she's in red in color. HOOOttttTTtttTTT

A pity she cant accompany me into camp. DAMN!! hehex

Thanks Pretty Shyuan for accompany me there. Didn't want to waste the trip there with u just buying 2 pens and having a great lunch there? hehe so i decided to buy that mp3 :P


-Random 1-
Lol seriously im not some EMO freak that worshiping EMO bands. Lol i just love Blues and Jazz based genre songs. I dont really go into EMO lol. I just love love songs? lol love love -.- wth im typing but anyway u know what im saying hehe.

-Random 2-
Im thinking really hard. Should i bring jacket? Lol i so afraid that she's cold but i cant think of any reason why i shouldnt bring jacket for her. Should i wear shades? LOL there's no sun currently! im wearing the pink stripes long sleeves button shirt with jeans. hmmmmm i just afraid that im overly 'anyhow' dressed lol

-Random 3-
Should i just pop out of my house now and go her void deck just to wait for her? Lol we were supposed to meet at 1100 but she's a 'drag-queen' :X The real drag tho :X heheheehehe

-Random 4-
Its totally random but im listening to some new songs lol. And i mean freshly 'baked'.

Justin Timberlake - Summer Love
Mutya Buena - Real Girl
Hinder - Lips of An Angel ( Acoustic )* Great song, My fav :P *
Hinder - Lips of An Angel
Rihana - Umbrella (ft. JayZ)
Rihana - Umbrella, Cinderalla Remix (ft. JayZ)
Coldplay - In My Place
My Chemical Romance - I Don't Love You
Stone Sour - Through Glass

Some old songs too...

王力宏 - 爱错
Matchbox 20 - Time After Time (Live)
Evanescence - Call Me When You're Sober
Ryan Cabrera - Photo

-Random 5-
Should i add a tagboard? I cant reply as often as anyone out there lol, i wonder whats the use of tagboard if im not around to reply hmmmmm. I think i should link up my friends too lol, but i seldom see anyone online when im on. how? -.- lol


Just like good old days~

Good morning everyone! :) what a nice Sunday morning, light breeze with warm sunlight.

First of all, i would like to wish my Xiao Xia Mei, a very Happy 19th Birthday! May all your wishes all come true, hope that you can find someone who loves u soon :) Like i said, next week I will have a long weekend. So next week find Xia Ah Bu then we go have a nice dinner ok? MY TREAT (: (: (:

Back to what I gona blog.

Hee, this morning I felt like a small boy. My dad brought me out to the Mac nearby to eat breakfast! Like the same old days, at least 10 years ago, i used to have Mac breakfast every weekend with my parents! :) To fit the mood, i ordered the good old Hotcakes :P hehe, and my dad as usual eat his Big Breakfast. What's different now is that we drink the tasteless black coffee now :P I didn't want to order Ice Milo caused Im coughing. See Im such a good boy :X

Packed my bag already, today booking timing really sucked. 1830 I have to be at Pasir Ris Bus Interchange already. SADDED... BUT never mind, caused Im meeting Piggy Shyuan soon like in 1hour time, 1100 lol. Taking a walk at Vivo, which i wanted to take a walk yesterday but both of us slacking and sleeping the whole afternoon. By chance, she wanted to walk Vivo yesterday too but her friend was too busy to entertain her. So we decided to walk Vivo today! Its a walk seriously. I just wanna take a look at my new found love which i might just eventually get it later on :X lol. Red or Black.. hmm i wonder.. see what Panda might say :P

Anyway for u people to know, theres someone in the SAF HQ or in short, in the entire army. Theres this someone who is in charge to sit infront of the computer 24 / 7 just to read and search blog. Lol, how i wish i can have that job too!

!!!* Saluting to that whoever reading everyone's blog*!!!

Zooooooom off to get ready already!!


Friday, August 3, 2007

Let there be light!

I've been living in darkness when the night fall during the past 5 days from Sunday!!

How much i appreciate bathing and light now, you will never ever gonna experience that if you don't serve the Army :P

Enough of crap i just wanna share the joy!!

Anyway this weekend i gonna spend more money again!! WOOTS

Look at my new found love!!

This is Samsung Mp3 Player, K3 ( Black and Red color)

Awwwwwww, isnt that a beauty!! Its so freaking pretty, i saw the green one my platoon mate has it. Its freaking cool and slick to hold!! :)