Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Thoughts to ponder..

Too much thoughts to pen all of them down.. Endless thoughts of them..
Some I don't think i should pen them down.. i think i will tell them to Mimi better..

Dao Di Shi Ni Hai Shi Wo Xiang De Tai Duo..
Dao Di Shi Shui Zai Zi Zuo Duo Qing?

Emo week for me, which I don't even know the roots to it.

How Fragile, How Weak, How Pathetic..
Such fragile heart I have, I pity myself..

No matter how hard I tried to mend it, to strengthen it..
It just seems like its made up of glass instead of flesh and blood..

In the past, maybe I choose to break others' heart before mine is broken..
That might just an excuse but it resulted in me being over possessive..

I tried to look at the bigger pictures now..
Trying to find a heart bigger than a bear..

Wheres the strength for me to seek, to try, to give it a shot..
I felt im so forsaken here.. I am starting to give up mending this frail heart of mine..

1 comment:

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