Sunday, July 1, 2007

1st Book Out Baby~

*Breathing in Deep and Hard*

AHHHhhHHH~ the air in singapore is so damn fresh!! Wheeee :) anyway i am not suppose to blog or write too much about my ns experince. Due to some law and shit crap restrictions, i better not play with fire. I will use 3 words to describe everything. New, Challenging, Disgusting. My bunk mate could actually use the same bloody pair of socks for 1 week. lol, use some of ur imagination to think :)

Time ticking so fast its Sunday again. I am going in hours time. Thanks to all those who welcomed me back :) It felt really good to be back again. Fresh new hair cut that my precious Mimi doesn't even recognize me. She's so cute la. lol, she's almost shaved like me! Due to her fur too long already, then she keep hiding in the toilet when she's afraid. Silly girl.

I was sick right before the book out :( damn sad. My dad wanted to buy chilli crabs to welcome me back but i had food poisoning which i withstand everything for days. It started on Wednesday. Seen the family doc on Saturday caused i don't wanna bear the pain and everything when im back in there. I wanna focus on my training and have my share of fun :) I have to wait another 5 and a half day to my chilli crab again :( SAD!! other people having fun, eating seafood like free one, going out with girlfriends. Luckily i am not too sick that i cant go out, if not i will cry.

Another sad thing to mention, the day i came out, everyone seems to have new consoles!! OMG, wheres my dream PSP?!! Everyone told me that they had bought DS Light, PSP blah blah blah, SO ENVY :( I can only wait for my working pay to come in within these 2 weeks. Hope i can get the pay within this week so i can get my PSP this weekend!! HELL YEAH!! :)

Anyway i got something to share with u all. Look at this pretty cute pic.

This my one and only PPGLS =X ( Piggy, Panda, Girl Leeshyuan )

hehe, doesnt she look so motherly in this pic :X Baby Germaine in her arms, her precious baby niece. Every time she will go to her Er Jie house to visit Germaine and eat free food that is suppose catered for her Er Jie. Having eaten 'free' food, she still complain that its bad everything blah blah blah :X I find this picture of her look so hmm nice, 贤妻良母
like that :X find it look so peaceful and well-balanced.

( sorry for my limited descriptive vocabulary, this is how good i can describe pretty and sweet )

*If u disagree then too bad, hack in my blog and erase ba :P wakakakak*


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