Sunday, July 22, 2007

Morning Light..

Slept at 3am, Woke up at 8am
Total time slept : 5hours

My weekend is too short to be spent sleeping lol. That's why from 1st day of enlistment i haven been resting well. Woke up early, washed up and joined my parents for breakfast. They fed me as long army has no food! Lol, ate WanTon Mee, ate Kosong Prata and Egg Prata, with a nice warm cup of Teh. Nice breakfast eh :P Was playing my PSP on the way, finally got to touch and talk to my baby lol. It totally rocks to own a PSP lol.

Reached home at around 11am, managed to fill in my PSP to the max. Im so prepared to go into confinement already! I got 8hrs + 8hrs + 6hrs of battery. muhaha!! But its never enough de la :( I put in movies lots of songs and games!!

After fixing up my PSP, the piggy came online! lol surprisingly she woke up earlier than I expected her to wake up, she's having pizza today la. Every week i sure post SOME random fact about her so here's today one :P She spends averagely $200 on food every week!! Just food only :P lol and she got a very huge ambition but its a secret :X lalalalala

Hmm seen the picture below? lol, go figure out what are those, at least this cute panda knows whats the picture is about. It's more than enough already lol

I wanna go sleep le.. ZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZzzzzz


Colorful Saturday Night..

lols. Lots of random event happens tonight. What to do, i cant book out next weekend. I just grab everything within sight.

Lets see..

Went dinner at Long John Silver with Pig King Ron, Pig Demon Seb and Pig Spirit Occ. It was a light dinner for me hehe. I didn't know what to do after which so i decided to just eat tiny bit to fill my stomach. They wanted to watched Harry Porter, I didn't had the mood to watch furthermore i had so much plans behind after dinner. Pig Demon Seb had grown up already!! never seen him for like 5weeks only, he know how to 'xian' girls already!! omg omg omg lol, when i heard that he's going out with a girl, ALONE, I was shocked!! Followed by go all the way to Causeway Point just to watch the show with her!! Uber shocked!! *mouth/jaw dropped* lol, i may sound very bad but he's such a mama's boy la!! i never seen or heard about him coming back home after 10pm or maybe 11pm? He just got home like at 1am? LOL, SEB im so proud of u!!

hehex, anyway after wasting my time in the arcade with the other rest, my panda suddenly sms me. Something about the sms that i feel, something is not in place :( asked her trillion times and she refused to tell me. I even offered to bring Famous Amos cookie chief to over her house but she still didn't wanna see me. So i decided to walk to her house and call her :X hehe after much persuading, she finally came out to took a little walk nearby. After 30mins walk at the nearby pasa malam, i sent her back home again. lol :X sorry babe hehe but im glad to see u tonight.

After sending my precious panda back home, i called Mr handsome Sir * someone actually call her bf sir, u know who u are ar :X * arranged a time slot with his PA to have supper at Bedok blk 85 :) This supper don't come easy also. Always is i put aeroplane, feel so bad :P *Sorry to u 2* We ordered a super large servings of food. Mrs pretty Sir really can eat man, she ate the spicy large stingray, 15 sticks of chicken satays, spicy sotongs, 8 tang yuan and the German sausages and YA almost forget 3 full chicken wings!! lol, actually we 3 shared everything la :P After eating and eating, they 2 decided to send this large light post home!! We walked home and talk so much about jokers in NS lol. Some of them were really freaking funny. hehe.

After so much of Saturday, im back here blogging and sms-ing my piggy hehex. She's quite kpo actually, and some sort of good actress :P can hide for so long then tell mi. Just now ask don't wanna tell mi, if not i will throw in more goodies :P hehex. Anyway im really sorry that i wasted ur Saturday ok.. Didn't meant to do so.. Just surprised that u actually did reserved a weekend for me. Maybe i just undervalued myself sometimes... Hmm if u did visit here before u go out, let mi know again if u want me to send u back home ok.. :) smileee pretty~


Saturday, July 21, 2007

Am I.. Ladylikedtified?

LOL? if u can guess the word.. Lady-Liked-tified ? lol MY OWN WORD!!

Im heading out to meet some guys from TP. At the same time gona grab more stuffs for my PSP!! heex, gona get more accessory to make my PSP pretty pretty. Tonight there's a mini gathering for my section, chilling session at one of their houses. Don't know should i go or not. I just wanna spend more time with my bed and the peeps online :P or in short, im just plain tired and lazy. Maybe i should meet up with Yandao Cousin and his Chiobu Girlfriend ^^

Anyway IM OFF TO SPEND MONEY!! muhahahhah!!


*I don't think i ever need to clarify anything on my blog. Whats my relationship with her? Lol do i even care to explain to anyone? Yup sure, go ahead, use my name for everything. As long as u feel happy, feel less sinful, sure by all means, use my name as a shield from anything..

..Just make sure karma don't strikes before I got the chance to do so.*

Mixture of both

Mixture of both happy and unhappy events for these 2 weeks. Didn't managed to blog last week as i was too busy :(...

Last weekend was totally awesome!! I had a wonderful time spending money :P lol!! I finally got my PSP already!! WOOTS :) :) :)

Its in white color. Heres my new love :) hehex

I bought this pretty hot babe on Saturday, 14/07/07. (Those who wanna buy 4D can buy 1407, lol) I went with William and Shin to buy PSP at AMK hub. We bought 5 sets in total. 3 Blacks 2 Whites. This is the first time i drew out so much money from AMT also.

lol look at that stack of white papers.
Btw those are 50 bucks lol, 20 pieces of them, hot and fresh out from the ATM machine.
The feeling to able to count 20 pieces of 50 bucks right in front of the cashier = priceless
Felt so good after spending so much money, hehe. Anyway, after getting the PSP, we went to the staircase and do the checking. Shin brought his shades. So this is his shade :)

Hee, My New Botak Head :P

So, after getting my PSP, i had to rush over to meet Leeshyuan for dinner :) lol, it was a long awaited dinner as someone was too busy to entertain me. What to do :( Shin, William and I took bus from AMK to Tenah Merah MRT station. Shin and I then took a cab off. Managed to get there on time, if not some piggy gona reduce to skeleton already. We wanted to eat Sakae Sushi at Century Square but unexpectedly the queue was bloody long. It was nearing 8.30pm already and people were still queuing up man. As the queen said she doesn't wait, so we decided to move to Tampines Mall to eat Fish & Co instead.

Upon reaching Fish & Co, there was a queue there also -.- I was wondering what was on Saturday, so many people are eating out at that hour? Sianx half. As both of us were starving and lazy :P , we decided to stay put instead. While waiting for the seats, she shared some of her unlucky experience during her service lol. She was made captain and the whole thing was in a mess :X something somewhat somehow had to go wrong lol. *That was the reason why she sounded so bored on Friday night :X *

After a short while, we got the seats already. Ordered some fish & chips. The place was quite well air-conditioned and Panda refused to change seat even though she's feeling cold. *which i don't know why also lol* Asked her a number of times to change till she's irritated :P * Then after the dinner and stuffs, send her over to her Er Jie house to accompany her Er Jie and baby Germaine. The EMO me had to walk out to take bus and go to Shin's place to collect my baby white pearl hehe.

After writing so much for last week, i don't feel like writing about this week already. Lol, anyway there's nothing much that happened this week. I just wanna take a rest and sleep. Next week i cant book out already, its the field camp week. Lol, hope it's gona be fun fun fun!!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Sunday again?!

Its Sunday again, when I am out on Saturday. Oh wth, why its Sunday so fast. I slept at 6.30am this morning. Lol. Yes I am mad :P

Great new for me, I am finally getting the pay in maximum 2weeks time! PSP is on its way! I gona take lots of picture of this baby precious, carry it in my arms hehe :X Don't know should get white ,silver,blue or champagne gold for the sake of uniqueness , but seriously it look quite gay :P

I feeling kinda chirpy for some reasons lol. Finally i got a sms when i did not sms panda, which i didn't do it on purpose. For that, it just brought a smile to me :) I am drinking nescafe now hehe, finally can taste something calls coffee lol.

Panda is online talking to me lol, better than im waiting sms from her :X This special panda got a very weird symptom. She got POSMS. lol, that makes her stands out from most people already :X hehex, lucky this blog will not be visited during my stay in mainland Singapore. If not i sure tio wack. Muhaha.

As usual, its 3hours+ away from my book in timing. Later gona bathe and get ready and go my ah ma house and eat dinner~ Hope she cooks something tasty!! hehe, before that going to shop my truck load of tibits muhahhahha!!

Anyway panda don't moody ok, remember im always here to listen to you. I have a good ear :)
Miss ya~


Saturday, July 7, 2007

Another song i fallen in love with..

歌手:张智成 专辑:凌晨三点钟


baby baby
love can be so beautiful
baby baby
love should be so beautiful


baby baby
love can be so beautiful
baby baby
love should be so beautiful


I am out.. AGAIN

Booked out - 1040 -
Marched out and reached the jetty - 1110 -
Home - 1300 -
Booking in - 1930

Had a tedious and heavy week on my upper body this week. Strength training and more strength trainings. I feel the ache every where else beside my arms. Funny isn't it. Lol, either they are not growing physically or 'internally', i just felt numb at my arms. Averagely did 100 over pushups in installments daily at least. I hope after i rest well this weekend and I am good to go~!

Read some peeps' blog. Hmm, if i ought to use a single word to describe myself, i will use blue i guess. People who knows me well, yes i am blue lol. I hate reading blogs and going through friendsters. That makes me less kpo than the rest :P reading blogs might just disrupt my mood sometimes, really. I read through some and got the effect immediately. Made me realize how important memories, feel and appreciations are. These are the vital feelings that one in love should show to your the other half.

If theres love, every single little tiny gestures means everything. If theres ain't love, every loved gestures do not mean anything more anymore. The feelings when u recalled are so much different so as to be compared to the feelings u felt at the particular point of time and place.

I recalled what i had done in the past. Yes, i am appreciated but how come i still felt that its never enough? Its somehow always that little bit more sweet, that little bit more thankful, that little bit more appreciative that someone else can/able to give or receive but that particular person will never be me.

Lol, if you cant understand what i said after reading through everything, don't bother to read again. I don't know what i am saying either lol :P I felt that humans will tend to be more forgetful. If its new, u will tend to forget the old and move on.

Anyway, had some lonely nights this week in bunk. I was waiting smses with my mp3 on, it was a Tuesday. The next thing i know my mp3 went flat and my hp was never ringing. Xiao Xia Mei said that if u ever wanna make known how u felt towards her or him, u have to voice it out. How am i going to do that. lol, I may not fully understand myself but i will never be the one who's fooling around when it comes to relationships. I don't tend to have a habit of 'messing' around with anyone whom i don't have the intention of keeping up my effort. I am only capable of putting in more effort than cutting it down if I ever felt that there's chance to do so.


Lol, another boring post, just about my inner thoughts which i try to put into words with my lousy English.


Sunday, July 1, 2007

Its time for BOOK IN~!

Over the past 2 days, been talking to people. People who already went in, people who almost stepping in and those who will never go in. I think i am much better off than some of them who went in already, less restriction and rules to follow :)

Saying that i do not miss home, thats a lie :P i do miss my family and my bed :( but nonetheless i am looking forward to each day in camp to become stronger!! ROAR!! sad to say, i do have Monday bluessss :( can feel the blues is creeping up already, shucks. Hope the mp3 i bringing in will at least ease the uneasiness inside me.

Going to have my dinner soon, hehe fast food for the last meal before i go in again but this time is eating with my family and not friends. I am leaving my house like in 1.5hours time. Time passes super fast, even faster than in camp when u are training and stuff. I hope the next time i open my eyes its Book Out day again!! :P

I seriously don't know what else to update le la, lol trying to squeeze things out to write but going in army makes my IQ go beyond negative. All i can think of is emo emo thingys lol.

I gonna start missing u from zero again..


1st Book Out Baby~

*Breathing in Deep and Hard*

AHHHhhHHH~ the air in singapore is so damn fresh!! Wheeee :) anyway i am not suppose to blog or write too much about my ns experince. Due to some law and shit crap restrictions, i better not play with fire. I will use 3 words to describe everything. New, Challenging, Disgusting. My bunk mate could actually use the same bloody pair of socks for 1 week. lol, use some of ur imagination to think :)

Time ticking so fast its Sunday again. I am going in hours time. Thanks to all those who welcomed me back :) It felt really good to be back again. Fresh new hair cut that my precious Mimi doesn't even recognize me. She's so cute la. lol, she's almost shaved like me! Due to her fur too long already, then she keep hiding in the toilet when she's afraid. Silly girl.

I was sick right before the book out :( damn sad. My dad wanted to buy chilli crabs to welcome me back but i had food poisoning which i withstand everything for days. It started on Wednesday. Seen the family doc on Saturday caused i don't wanna bear the pain and everything when im back in there. I wanna focus on my training and have my share of fun :) I have to wait another 5 and a half day to my chilli crab again :( SAD!! other people having fun, eating seafood like free one, going out with girlfriends. Luckily i am not too sick that i cant go out, if not i will cry.

Another sad thing to mention, the day i came out, everyone seems to have new consoles!! OMG, wheres my dream PSP?!! Everyone told me that they had bought DS Light, PSP blah blah blah, SO ENVY :( I can only wait for my working pay to come in within these 2 weeks. Hope i can get the pay within this week so i can get my PSP this weekend!! HELL YEAH!! :)

Anyway i got something to share with u all. Look at this pretty cute pic.

This my one and only PPGLS =X ( Piggy, Panda, Girl Leeshyuan )

hehe, doesnt she look so motherly in this pic :X Baby Germaine in her arms, her precious baby niece. Every time she will go to her Er Jie house to visit Germaine and eat free food that is suppose catered for her Er Jie. Having eaten 'free' food, she still complain that its bad everything blah blah blah :X I find this picture of her look so hmm nice, 贤妻良母
like that :X find it look so peaceful and well-balanced.

( sorry for my limited descriptive vocabulary, this is how good i can describe pretty and sweet )

*If u disagree then too bad, hack in my blog and erase ba :P wakakakak*
